Can be described as a state of relaxed, nonjudgmental awareness.
- slows heart rate
- slows respiration
- decreases stress hormones
- decreases inflammation
- rumination decreases
- lowers blood pressure
- improved response to stress
- faster recovery from stress
- increases serotonin and dopamine levels
- increases self awareness
How To:
- turn off distractions, cell phone, etc.
- sit in a relaxed, upright position
- close eyes
- take three deep breaths
- bring your attention to your breath
- closely observe breath
- when thoughts arise, gently bring attention back to the breath
- observe these arising thoughts or emotions without judgment
- optional – use a mantra, a repeated phrase to help focus attention
Example: “I am” with the in breath, “at peace” with the outbreath - daily meditation of 5-15 minutes is more effective than occasional long mediations
- regular meditation opens the possibility of bringing breath awareness, calmness, and a non-judgmental attitude into your daily life experience.